Upcoming Events (Trump Voters ONLY Please!)
Join our 2nd amendment movement to help make America a better, safer place to live!
We are the last of a dying breed – Join us and get involved!
We’ve seen the “Occupy Wallstreet” Movement set up tents in Washington DC for weeks on end – and no apparent reason. We’ve seen the Black Lives Matter Campaign burn down cities, shut down highways, and kill cops. We’ve seen the Islamic State’s movement to create the caliphate.
That’s why we’ve created the “Still Proud Movement.”
We’re a group of like-minded American Patriots who still believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe it’s our duty to Get armed, Get trained, and Carry Daily. Our motto is simple: Long live the Republic.
We denounce rasism, bigotry, or hate of any group of people based on their skin color or the way they dress. We don’t care how people look – we care how they THINK. If they value all human life as much as we do, we’ll all get along. If they want to put human life at risk or take our freedoms… well, we’re armed.
Together, we can build a better, safer America.
You’re invited to our upcoming 2nd amendment (2A) events!
Request more information on each one: Only UNITY can save our country!
Pay It Forward Community Car Wash – Saturday, November 5th
We need volunteers to come help us start a “Pay It Forward” campaign!
We’ll be holding signs on the road that say, “$1 Car Wash! Stop Now!” After we wash each car, we’ll be GIVING the person $1 for letting us wash their car – and asking them to PAY IT FORWARD!
We are asking each volunteer show up with 10 $1 bills to put towards this day – and the remaining money will be going towards the Pumpkin Blow Up Bash for Charity!

Pre-Election Community Turkey Shoot – Monday – November 7th at 6:00PM
We are a super friendly group open to all races, ages, shooting skills, and walks of life. All handgun calibers welcome (kids can always bring .22LR rifles to any shooting events!) Spectators welcome: bring your own chair for comfort while viewing this super fun activity!
Here are some quick facts about the FGS Shooting League:
- Cost per shooter is just a $15 suggested donation (cash only)
3rd Annual Pumpkin Blow Up Bash for Charity!
This year, we are teaming up with Lucas and Nick Vangorder to help support their charity the “Hometown Heros.”
The Pumpkin Blow Up Bash is our biggest event – and we need a HUGE amount of support and volunteers!
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