For Every 300 Shares… We’ll Give Away a New Gun!

For Every 300 Shares… We’ll Give Away a New Gun!

It’s time to take action! RSVP now to come on our Inverness Open Carry Firearm Fishing Trip!

Join us on a fishing trip: together, we can make a difference! (Whoever catches the biggest fish will win a free gun!)

Dear fellow Patriots, The 2nd amendment has never been under attack the way it is being attacked right now. But there’s hope! We’re seeing people unite in ways we’ve never seen before. The time to act is now. We are the last of a dying breed of Americans who are Still Proud of our country, so we need to unite and make a difference in our country. I personally invite you to:

  • Join our grassroots movement to get armed, get trained, and carry daily. It’s our job to protect our communities at a local level.
  • Get involved: stand up for what’s right when no one else will!

Please watch the video below, and then share it with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and EVERY OTHER social media channel you use! This message must be HEARD by the gun-grabbers! Be safe, and God bless, -Andy Owner, Florida Gun Supply

Here are the goals of this event:

  1. Send a clear message to the ammo-banning and gun-banning Obama administration
  2. Spread awareness about Florida’s Open Carry laws (legally allowed to open carry while hunting, fishing, or camping – or traveling to or from said activities)
  3. Generate spport for and their defense of the 2nd amendment here in Florida
  4. Generate support for Florida’s campus carry law
  5. Generate support for Florida’s evacuation law

Let’s stand together and take action.

Let’s be  loud enough to be taken seriously.

Come fishing with us on 3/28/2015!


Introducing: the Inverness Open Carry Firearm Fishing Trip of 2015

Remember: According to Florida Statute 790.25, Florida law allows a person to OPEN CARRY a firearm while hunting, fishing, or camping. Here’s a quick rundown of the details: When: Saturday, March 28th 2015 at 1PM Where: Meet at the Inverness DMV/Tax Office parking lot located at 210 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, FL 34450 Event Description: We will be meeting in the parking lot with our open carry firearms, our fishing poles, tackle boxes, fishing licenses, etc. We will begin the march at 1pm. We will march together approximately 10 minutes to the fishing spot. We will all begin fishing from the shore at the same time to make it fair, and the person who bags the biggest fish in 1/2 hour wins a free gun. We will all walk back together after the fishing is over. The Inverness Open-Carry Fishing Trip of 2015 as three goals:

  • Increase media attention to the failing Florida statutes regarding carrying a firearm in Florida
  • Increase community pride and unity during the most divided time in our country’s history
  • Catch as many fish as possible, and have fun while doing so!


Will you stand with us and attend the Inverness Open Carry Fishing Trip of 2015? RSVP Below!

 Hands Off Guns – No Long Guns – Be Safe

  1. Keep All Hands Off Sidearms & Holsters!
    1. Do not unholster for any reason other than to save a life.
    2. Make sure your sidearm is secure in its holster. – Condition Yellow –
    3. Do not fidget or make adjustments to your handgun or holster in public.
    4. If you need to make an adjustment, take it to your vehicle.
    5. If anyone, including the media, asks to see your handgun, just turn your body so they can see or film it in the holster.
    6. Do not rest your hand on your gun or holster.
  2. No Long Guns!
    1. This event is about the carry of handguns and other defensive implements that can currently be carried under Florida law by CWFL licensees.
    2. The Carry of Long Guns creates some practical issues with physical handling in public venues and is more provocative.
  3. Always Follow The Basic Gun Safety Rules!
    1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
    2. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
    3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use

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