Uniting America

Top 10 Gun Deals for CYBER MONDAY

Don't miss out on Cyber Monday gun deals from Florida Gun Supply! Let's face it. Often times, the big dealers in the gun world can purchase thousands of the same firearm at a GREATLY reduced price. Sometimes we can't compete. But... they probably don't do what we do to change America, either! Here are...


Sheriff Israel Being FIRED – and It’s NOT for What You Think!

Sheriff Scott Israel is being fired next week, as first reported by bigleaguepolitics.com. Sheriff Israel is the disgraced leader who received a vote of no-confidence last week in the wake of the school shooting and his agency's failure to prevent or even respond appropriately. Sheriff Israel's removal from office is in response...


BANNED for Hate Speech! YouTube Has Officially Shut Us Down

Help Us Rebuild Our YouTube Account! We received notification today that YouTube has officially banned our account, deleted all of our videos, and given us a lifetime ban on the YouTube platform. Why? Simple. They consider our words to be "hate speech." It seems that if you don't kneel for the flag, condemn Donald Trump,...


UNITED WITH TEXAS: Help Make a Difference in Texas

MISSION: TEXAS RELIEF THROWBACK! You value your 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms in defense of your community. You value your country and the freedom it gives to those who cherish and defend it. Once again, we successfully united for change. Our MISSION: TEXAS RELIEF trailer left Wednesday night at 20:00 -...


ALERT: Pediatricians REQUIRED to Tell Parents “Never own a gun!” (But it’s worse than you think!)

Government to Pediatricians: "Recommend patients to never own a gun, or ELSE!" After a routine checkup with their family pediatrician (Williston Pediatrics), Super-Mom Melissa Ridge was handed an informational pamphlet and sent on her way. What Melissa discovered inside the packet was disturbing. So disturbing,  Super-Mom Melissa sent a picture of it...


City of Inverness: BACK OFF Patriotic Businesses!

FIRST: The City Made Our 92 Year Old Landlord PAINT OVER the Mystery Mural! THEN: The City of Inverness KICKED us out of the "Patriotic Evening" Event The City of Inverness APPROVED our booth at their City Event - the Patriotic Evening. The approval came with ONE CONDITION: That we don't bring...
