Out-shoot the Future Sheriff (and Car Shoot!)

Out-shoot the Future Sheriff (and Car Shoot!)

You’re invited to come out-shoot the future sheriff of Citrus County – and then shoot at a car (just for fun!)

You and I are on the verge of the most important election in the history of our community. After we lost a great leader and the best candidate for sheriff, Phil Royal, we are searching for a new leader to fill the gap that Phil left us all too soon.

America needs to kick out politicians and elect PEOPLE!

Chuck Kanehl is one of us, and the best choice for Citrus County Sheriff!

Here’s why Chuch Kanehl is the best choice for Citrus County:

  • Been with the Citrus County Sheriff Department for over 13 years (30+ years of law enforcement experience)
  • Strong supporter of our 2nd amendment (and our Constitution!)
  • Chuck knows better than anyone else what it takes to keep our community and officers safe

Think you can out-shoot a guy with 30+ years of firearm experience? Come give it a shot!

Out Shoot the Future Sheriff Round 1

All contestants are welcome to compete in round 1. Round 1 will eliminate all but the top 18 shooters in the competition.

Course of fire will be 3 rounds to warm up, 3 more rounds to practice, and 3 to qualify.

Targets will be turned into the judges for measuring.

Out Shoot the Future Sheriff Round 2

The 18 contestants will be required to fire 5 rounds in under 5 seconds (rapid fire). Any round fired after 5 seconds will be disqualified. There will be no warm up session during round 2.

The top 2 shooters will go on to the next round, all others will be disqualified.

Out Shoot the Future Sheriff Round 3

The final round will be where you will get to shoot against Future Sheriff Chuck Kanehl. Closest to the bullseye wins – and there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!

While all this is happening – all contestants are welcome to shoot at one of the cars we will have at the range for this day!

When: Saturday, August 13th at 3:30PM
Where: Citrus County Shooting Range (250 S Tabitha Path Inverness, FL 34450)
Cost: $20 to enter the shooting competition, $20 to shoot at one of the cars on site, or $30 for both! (Proceeds split between the Chuck Kanehl for Sheriff Campaign & Florida Gun Supply’s future rifle range!)



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