Top 3 Lessons from the Washington Mall Shooting

Top 3 Lessons from the Washington Mall Shooting

Top 3 Things We Can Learn from the Washington Mall Terrorist Attack

In case you haven’t heard, a Turkish Immigrant ran into a mall in Washington and began shooting wildly with a Ruger 10/22 rifle.

When the dust settled, 5 people were dead from agest 16-96. 4 women and one man.

Here are the top 3 lessons we can learn.

Washington Mall Terrorist Attack Lesson #3: It might happen to you.

These 4 women and one man were minding their own business, frequenting the mall the frequented dozens of other times. They were unarmed. They thought they were safe.

That’s when this Islamic Extremist ran in, right through the front door, and started shooting.

Yes, folks. This could happen to you.

Washington Mall Terrorist Attack Lesson #2: You need a plan.

The next time you’re at your local grocery store, shopping for food – look around you. Take a quick peek at who is there. Can you tell anything about that person? Do you know their background? Their mental health issues? Their religion?

Chances are pretty good that you’ll have no idea.

As General Mattis says:


Washington Mall Terrorist Attack Lesson #1: Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily.

This is the fundamental motto of all that Florida Gun Supply does. We need to Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily. Do you have a license to carry yet? Share your comments below.

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  • Rich Balke Reply

    Be aware of your surroundings. Just like driving a car, be aware of your escape in case something happens

    December 5, 2016 at 10:45 pm

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