Ocala Clown Sightings: What’s the Bigger Threat?
Bottom Line: Clowns or not… It’s time to get your Concealed Carry Permit
I’m taking a break from battening down the hatches from Hurricane Matthew and writing about Snap Caps, and so I just wanted to share with you some more thoughts on the clown sightings in Ocala.
I mentioned today in my Facebook Live video today that quite a few people are messaging me and asking about this who clown business. Apparently, there’s been reports of clowns running around in the woods here.
A quick search on YouTube and I found this creepy video about a clown in Ocala. In it’s description, the video links over to an article published on the Ocala Post.
Marion County Sheriff Admits Multiple Calls to Service for “Clown Sightings
Nice headline, eh? It took me 10 minutes to assemble the previous 11 words into the perfect headline. These 11 words were my work of art – my masterpiece. They were designed to do one thing: to get your attention.
That’s what the media does.
The media deliberately creates headlines to capture your attention and control what information your mind retains. The better the author is with manipulating the words, the better their career will be.
The reason the media does this is quite easy to understand. The longer the media can keep your attention, the more profit the media outlet will gain.
Using that logic, it’s understandable that the biased media doesn’t care about you, this country, or morality in general.
Clowns? Who cares?! ISIS calls for random knife attacks in “Quiet Neighborhoods!”
Yesterday, PJ Media blew the cover off ISIS propaganda that says:
“…issued by the Islamic State advises lone jihadists to get over any squeamishness about using knives and embrace sharp objects as “widely available” weapons of jihad in nighttime stabbing campaigns.”
These magazines distributed with alarming numbers of people downloading, reading, and sharing. In fact, the magazine was in translated into English, Turkish, German, French, Indonesian, Russian, Arabic and Uyghur.
Think it’s time to get a concealed carry permit yet? Sign up now for my FREE concealed carry class.
The solution to clowns or the ISIS attacks: Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily.
I’m in the right line of work.
The coolest part about my job is that we are leading a movement here in America. This movement is dedicate to one simple thing: to make America a better, safer, place to live.
Together with my great staff, volunteers, and patriots willing to become the solution to violent crime, we have armed and trained over 17,000 people in the past 5 years.
If you’re reading this article right now, someone you know took my class.
And it’s time for you to take my FREE concealed carry class, too! Watch this video to find out why!
Comment (1)
Let a pack of mean dogs chase the creepy clown with luck they will soil themselves problem solved. Then again glue their hands to their head either they lose their wigs with hairy hands or they are stuck to their heads comic relief.