ALERT! Sarasota Commission to Vote on “Assault Weapons” Ban
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TODAY, the Sarasota City Commission will meet at 2:30pm and will vote on a resolution asking Congress and/or the Florida Legislature to:
“strictly limit the availability and use of military grade-high capacity assault weapons to bona fide law enforcement agencies and to do so with the sense of urgency and commitment which is warranted in the face of the ongoing, tragic and unnecessary loss of life triggered by mass shootings with high powered, military grade, high capacity magazine assault weapons.”
You need to contact them IMMEDIATELY by filling out the form below!
They are going to vote on whether or not to formally ask Congress and the Florida Legislature to discriminate against certain semiautomatic firearm because of the way they look.
Clearly, the Commission doesn’t even recognize what they don’t know. I guarantee you they don’t have a clue what their contrived term “military grade-high capacity assault weapons” even means because I don’t know what it means and neither will anyone else. It’s an open door to ban any guns they choose.
We need you to email Commissioners IMMEDIATELY and tell them to vote NO on the city’s resolution . The city’s resolution is not an ordinance or law.
The resolution is a lobbying tool — they are voting on whether or not to lobby the Congress and the Florida Legislature to take antigun, anti-Second Amendment action — to ban guns — on your behalf.
They are supposed to be representing YOU.
They were elected to represent you — but they aren’t interested in your views. They just want to force their anti-gun agenda on you.
You need to contact Commissioners immediately and tell them to STOP trying to get lawmakers to violate the constitutional rights of the citizens of our state and nation.
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