Arm yourself, Citrus County. There are dudes like this (even here!)

Arm yourself, Citrus County. There are dudes like this (even here!)

There are crazy/evil men everywhere… even here in Citrus County

My buddy Buster Thompson (a very cool guy, BTW!) over at the Citrus County Chronicle recently reported that there was a man injured in a shooting.

I think the headline actually should have read:

“Simple Argument in Citrus County Ends in Knife and Gun Fight.”

How close did you live from there? Comment below.
How close did you live from there? Comment below.

The guy still had his gun in his pocket – not hidden somewhere – which means he clearly didn’t understand that he was in the wrong. He probably just thought he was protecting himself and that the shooting was legal: never mind that he is a convicted felon and is not allowed to own guns.

Moral of the Story: Dudes like these roam our streets. Get your concealed carry permit, and carry daily, today. (Boy, was that a mouthful!)


Here’s the full story from the Chronicle.

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