Tag - 2a

How Obama is Making America Racist (could it mean civil war?)

Obama is leading America into war - and he will dub it, "The Race War"  Disclaimer: This article is going to make a lot of folks pretty mad - but I don't care. The truth must be heard. So, before you start ranting and raving, accusing me of being racist, and saying...


2nd Amendment Rally: Open Carry Potluck

Open Carry 2nd Amendment Rally CALL TO ACTION: Come Shoot at Cars, Participate in a 21 Gun Salute, and Share a Meal With Other 2nd Amendment Patriots! Here's what we're going to do: Have an open car shoot where you can actually shoot your favorite firearms at REAL cars Meet at Florida Gun...


Top 10 Reasons Why You Need to Come Fishing with Me on Saturday

This was a week from H-e-(double-hockey-sticks!) Have you ever had a week where anything that could go wrong did go wrong? Yeah, that was this kind of week. We lost two employees without two-weeks notice (I'm working on a video about that right now!), I lost my full time job (also in the...