Teen Did WHAT With a Loaded Gun??!

Teen Did WHAT With a Loaded Gun??!

Tennessee Cops: Teen Shot Best Friend in Head Playing Internet Challenge

Police in Tennessee are saying a “new internet fad” is what lead 21-year-old Sherman Lackland to shoot his 17-year-old buddy in the head.

Apparently this “game” encourages people to “get into fake arguments” – and then draw their guns on each other!

The wounded teen was shot in the right side of the head and has been downgraded to “extremely critical condition.” It is unknown if he is actually going to live.

Lackland did not have a concealed carry permit. OBVIOUSLY!

According to Fox News:

Lackland was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, reckless endangerment and unlawful possession of a weapon, police said.

VIDEO: Alleged “No Lackin Challenge”

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