Winchester Ammunition – Win Lng Beard Xr 12ga 3.5″ #5 10-100


Availability: Out of stock SKU: WNSTLB12LM5 Categories: ,


Forty yards has long been the standard by which all turkey loads were measured. No more. Its time to go farther with Winchester Longbeard XR. Featuring new-to-the-world Shot-Lok Technology. Longbeard XR offers the tightest patterns and longest shot capability of any traditional turkey load in history – with twice the pellets in a 10″ circle out to 60 yards. Longbeard XR has the knockdown power of popular heavier-than-lead loads at a fraction of the cost, meaning its a turkey-slamming game changer for hunters looking to push the limits.

Features :

  • 10% Greater penetration over standard lead loads beyond 50 yards
  • Devastating terminal on-target performance
  • ,Twice the number of pellets in a 10″ circle out to 60 yards,

Additional information

Weight 1.81 lbs
Dimensions 4.00 × 3.25 × 1.75 in

Winchester Ammunition






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