
Great for a multitude of outdoor uses, USTs Para 550 Utility Cord is made from 100 percent nylon. It is wrapped up for compact travel and storage, and includes a convenient carabiner. Great for camping, backpacking, hunting, and more, you can use it to construct a shelter, lash gear together, and even tease out the core threads to use as fishing line, sewing thread, and more.

Features :

  • Heavy duty 550 utility cord made from 100 percent nylon
  • Includes convenient carabiner
  • Use cord to rope up shelters, lash gear together, and create bracelets, zipper pulls, handle wraps, lanyards, and more
  • Tease out core threads to use as fishing line, sewing thread, and more
  • Essential gear for camping, backpacking, hunting, wilderness survival, and more
  • Not suitable for climbing

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

UST – Ultimate Survival Technologies


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