FULL VIDEO: Forest High School Body Cam

FULL VIDEO: Forest High School Body Cam

Arm Yourself Against Mass Shooters with Your Copy of “Countering the Mass Shooter Threat

Countering The Mass Shooter Threat:
Your Comprehensive Playbook For Surviving In A Time Of Terror (Save 43%)…

Countering the Mass Shooter Threat is a comprehensive playbook for every house of worship, school, business, and family in America. Author Michael Martin dives into the data of 48 mass shootings to determine what can be learned from these tragedies and how following a comprehensive plan can help you to not only avoid becoming a victim, but eliminate the presence of these shooters once and for all.

This playbook is presented in an easy-to-follow format with information for all experience levels. Essential lessons on topics like gun-free zones, magazine capacity, and using the Run, Hide, Fight Methodology are already saving lives across the nation. Here’s just a few of the lifesaving lessons you’ll learn in your playbook…


VIDEO: Forest Ridge High School Full Body Cam Video

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