3 Stupid Myths Women Are Told Before Buying Their First Gun

3 Stupid Myths Women Are Told Before Buying Their First Gun

When you hear these myths – and you will – remember this article and prove them wrong!

Myth #1: “You need a Glock. That’s what cops have!”

Uh… No.

Just because some people like a certain type of gun doesn’t mean everyone, or even you will.

New shooters come into Florida Gun Supply and say, “I would like to buy my first gun. Do you have a Glock?”

All too often, first-time gun buyers are bombarded by the ignorant miscalculation that a Glock “is the only gun worth buying.” Police Officers and Deputies are usually the worst for this!

The truth is, Glocks are not necessarily a great first-time concealed carry gun.

With no external thumb safety, they are unforgiving to simple mistakes. Most Glocks are heavy and bulky, and there are many  easier guns to operate.

Truth: Here are some recommended beginner guns!

An example of a GREAT first-time carry gun would be the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380ACP.

The Bodyguard .380 has the following features:

  • It’s small and thin frame make it easy to conceal in a pocket or our recommended Versa Carry Holster
  • The optional laser sight may put you on target faster in a life saving situation
  • The optional external thumb safety has an added level of protection so you can be confident carrying
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380ACP

FMK (“For My Kountry”) makes a 9mm carry gun with some great features:

  • Modeled after the popular Glock 19, but at a FRACTION of the price!
  • All holsters, attachments, accessories, or lasers, or sights that fit the Glock 19 will fit the FMK
  • The gun is lighter for easier and less bulky carry
  • The grip is extremely comfortable and will feel amazing in your hand
  • The slide is ridiculously easy to rack and cycle
FMK 9MM with Bill of Rights engraved

The SCCY CPX-2 is a Reliable Carry Gun On a Budget:

  • SCCY CPX-2 is perfect for the first time shooter
  • The grip is wide and can be controlled easier than a thinner gun
  • The thickness of the CPX-2 makes is extremely comfortable in your hand
  • SCCY has made the trigger a longer and harder trigger pull so that the gun does not go off on accident
  • The pricing makes this one of the best guns on the market!

Myth #2: “My wife needs a revolver!”


Women are perfectly capable of choosing a gun that’s best for us!

Yes, some women want a revolver, and in certain situations a revolver may be easier to use than a semi-automatic. But that doesn’t mean every women needs one.

There are many semi-autos that make perfect carry guns, especially for women. Just like any new activity, practice makes perfect, and after practicing you and your gun will create it’s own relationship.

One of the reasons revolvers may not be the right choice for concealed carry is because revolvers take much longer to reload. If for some reason, you use all 5-6 rounds in the revolver, you will most likely have to have extra rounds jumbling in your pocket and load them one by one. Most semi-automatics have more capacity – and you can keep a loaded magazine ready to go if you need it.

A Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .38SPL Revolver is just about everything you need in a woman’s revolver:

  • This revolver is made of aircraft grade aluminium, making it extremely light weight
  • The built in laser gets you on target faster
  • The smoother trigger pull makes it as accurate as you can be
Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .38SPL

Myth #3: “A .22LR Doesn’t Have Enough Stopping Power!”

A .22 has been proven to be more effective at stopping a threat with 1 round than a 9mm and 40cal.*

Training is everything.

You can’t just get your license and start carrying a cannon and expect to be accurate in stopping a threat. A well trained concealed carrier doesn’t need a big gun to stop a threat.

The Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Compact is our recommended gun of choice for new shooters!

This just proves once again, that it’s doesn’t matter how big and bad you think you are, training is the most important thing a concealed carrier can do. Being a great shot is great, but you also need to be prepared, calm, and aware.

Our Firearm Training Simulator is Ready for YOU! Click here to get started!

When buying your first gun, take advice from people. But don’t forget that the gun you choose will be your gun and you will be using it. Not anyone else. You need to make sure that you take good advice, throw out the bad, and trust your gut. They talk about how a woman knows what wedding dress she should buy when she tries it on, the same goes with gun shopping. When you know, you know. And don’t let anyone else’s opinion stop you.

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