Dear Supporters:

Thank you so much for your continued support, help, love, and inspirational words.

Together, we created this GoFundMe account and skyrocketed it to one of the TOP performing GoFundMe accounts in the history of GoFundMe.

You and I fought hard to ensure that Christopher – an amazingly smart and bright 4 year old who is caught up in a horrible custody battle – maintains a meaningful relationship with his father.

Words cannot express our gratitude. But just wait! The investment you’ve made in this child’s life will be returned to this great community 10 fold. Thank you so much.

The opposing side offered a settlement agreement, and we settled this case.


I couldn’t have done this without you.

There is another pressing issue at hand: I still owe my attorney over $20,000 for services rendered to date.

The money that you donated to me was for TRIAL.

Although I could REALLY use the help paying back my legal expenses, I want to give each and every one of you a chance to request a REFUND for your generous donations. We will not be going to trial – so before I withdraw the money we have collected for TRIAL – I want to give each of you the opportunity to request a refund if you feel you need to.

Thanks so much for your continued help, support, and love.

Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily. Long live the Republic!

-Andy and Chris

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