Tag - carry

Message to Thugs: You’d Better Hide!

We're coming for you now. Local? Click here to Signup for a Free Class! Not local? Click here to signup for online training! Original Transcription: I'm Andy with Florida Gun Supply and I'm standing in front of you in front of the speedway less than one mile from my house. This gas station has just...


For Every 300 Shares… We’ll Give Away a New Gun!

It's time to take action! RSVP now to come on our Inverness Open Carry Firearm Fishing Trip! Join us on a fishing trip: together, we can make a difference! (Whoever catches the biggest fish will win a free gun!) Dear fellow Patriots, The 2nd amendment has never been under attack the way it...


Some Truth About Concealed Carry in Florida

Here are the top 4 Florida Concealed Carry Truths You Need to Tell Your Friends Disclaimer: There is a large amount of misinformation going on about Florida concealed carry law. Please SHARE this article so we can let people know the truth about concealed carry in Florida Do you hate rumors as much as I do? What...


Be informed about what’s happening in our county.

Disclaimer: We are not trying to sell guns with this post The reason for this post: Citrus County needs to be INFORMED of these events. This is where we live. Crazy Local News Story #1: Betsy Louise, a gun, and a motorcyclist: What really happened? The first headline that interested me in the...


Top 3 Reasons You Need a Carry Permit

Register now for our Basic Training Class and get qualified to get your CCP. Click here to find out more. Reason #1 that you need a carry permit: Life is the most valuable thing on the planet. Think about your your life for a second. How much would you pay to keep it?...


Top 4 Reasons Why Gun Couples Argue

Here are the top 4 reasons why gun couples argue You're a well trained gun nut with a lifetime membership to your local shooting range. You have a gun collection like no other, and are the type of guy who can name every gun from any major movie - ever. You get annoyed...
