SHOCK VIDEO: Unaware Bystander Survives Because Gun Jams

SHOCK VIDEO: Unaware Bystander Survives Because Gun Jams

Many Lessons Can Be Learned by This Video

In what appears to be a gang-initiation gone-wrong, an innocent bystander is approached from behind by two suspects. The suspect in white appears to be a gang-member recruit followed by his handler.

When the gun is drawn, it misfires or jams – and the potential victim is completely unaware of how close he was to death.

Lesson #1: Criminals, gang members, and thugs do NOT value human life

They don’t care about you. They don’t care about your kids. Life is just a game to them. By controlling who lives or dies, they gain a sense of power in their miserable, worthless lives.

Lesson #2: TRAINING is the key to survival!

You may have heard the term “situational awareness.”

But if you haven’t studied “situational awareness” techniques, you aren’t able to fully understand it.

Don’t Be Like This Guy: These Two FREE DVDs from the USCCA May Save Your Life!


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