ALERT: Latest Radical Islamic Attack Was Just the Beginning

ALERT: Latest Radical Islamic Attack Was Just the Beginning

You need to take ACTION to prepare for the next attack BEFORE it happens!

Go ahead, liberals. Yell at me. Scream until you’re blue in the face. Punch your computer and look for a “safe place.” Because I’m not going away. I’m not going to shut up.

The reason I declared my gun shop Florida Gun Supply a “Muslim Free Zone” was to fight back against the political correctness that makes liberals like you cry.

I didn’t post the “Muslim Free Zone” sign to get attention. I posted it to sound the warning bells.

Radical Islam is coming… and I’m going to do what it takes to convince people to get armed, get trained, and carry daily.

We are warriors, and we’re going to stand up and fight this filth until it climbs back into the wormhole it came from.

Riddle me this… What kind of person would deliberately run people over and then attack them with a butcher knife?

Comment below with your answer.

  1. A Christian
  2. A Buddist
  3. A Sikh
  4. A Radical Islamic Extremist

Here’s a hint, liberals – Christians really DON’T commit more terrorist attacks than Muslims.

Muslims kill.

They destroy.

They want to take over the world.

And because I’m not afraid to say the truth about radical Islam, I may lose custody of my 4 year old son.

ISIS has called for lone wolf knife attacks… in Alleys, Forests, Beaches, and ‘Quiet Neighborhoods’

According to an article from

A new magazine issued by the Islamic State advises lone jihadists to get over any squeamishness about using knives and embrace sharp objects as “widely available” weapons of jihad in nighttime stabbing campaigns.

SHARE this article right now… and then: Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily!

Click here to sign up for my FREE concealed carry classes RIGHT NOW!


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