How to Buy a Gun from a Gun Store Online

How to Buy a Gun from a Gun Store Online

Buying a Gun from a Store Online is Easier Than You Think!

In today’s online world, everything can be bought online. Cars, homes, clothing, groceries – even guns! When you buy from a gun store online, there are a few things you need to know.

Here are some tips and advice for buying from a gun store online.

Can a Gun Store Online Ship a Firearm to My Home?

No. Federal law prevents guns that you buy from an online gun store from being shipped directly to your home.

But don’t worry – it’s easy to buy from a gun store online. All you need to do is find a local gun shop near you to ship your gun to, and you go pick up your gun from them.

It’s that easy!

If you don’t know of a local gun store near you, most gun stores online can help you find a local shop to ship your firearm to. Just ask, and I’m sure they’d be happy to make a list for you.

What are the Benefits to Buying a Gun from an Online Store?

There are quite a few benefits to buying a gun from an online store. Here are the main benefits:

  1. Online gun stores usually have better prices than your local gun stores will. Typically, there is less overhead for the gun store online to deal with.
  2. Most states don’t currently charge sales tax on items you purchase online – which means you can often times get your firearm with no sales tax.
  3. You can join a gun buying club to get wholesale prices on guns for a minimal monthly fee.
  4. Most online gun stores have better selections than a local shop because again, there is less overhead.

Is Buying a Gun from a Store Online Easy?

Of course.

Most gun stores online are as easy to purchase from as any other online retailer – you just add your gun to the shopping cart, enter your information, and check out.

The gun store online will then contact you about your order. They might confirm the purchase you made, and they’ll definitely ask you where you want the gun shipped to.

Ammunition and accessories can ship directly to your home.

How Much is Shipping from a Gun Store Online?

Florida Gun Supply always has free shipping on all of our products – including our guns.

We find it a lot easier to handle shipping when it is absolutely free – and everyone loves free stuff!

Will My Local Gun Store Charge Me a Fee for Transferring the Firearm?

Yes. All local gun stores that will accept transfers will charge you a fee. Generally, this fee ranges from $20-$40 bucks.

If your local gun store charges more than $40 dollars, you should probably find another shop to deal with.

Do I Need to Pass a Background Check to Pick Up My Gun?

Yes. You’ll be required to fill out form 4473 at the local gun shop and a background check will be completed within 5 minutes.


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