Quick Overview of the Presidential Debate

Quick Overview of the Presidential Debate

You may not have been able to watch the debate: Here’s what you need to know

The Presidential debate is going to be the talk of the town for the rest of the week. The biased media will blast Trump and make Hillary look like a hero. Watch.

Since you may not have had time to watch the entire debate, here’s the main things you need to know.

1. Trump: Bill Clinton’s actions were much worse than my locker room talk

What a great point.

Donald Trump apologized multiple times about his locker room banter. He admitted that he made a mistake, and pointed out that there are more important things to talk about that Trump’s offensive speech.

It was 11 years ago. It’s time to move on, Hillary.

Further, Trump blew the veil off of Bill Clinton’s sexual exploits by pointing out that:

  • Bill Clinton was fined $850,000 for one of his affairs
  • Bill Clinton was impeached
  • Bill Clinton lost his license to practice law

2. We need to start worrying about Donald Trump’s life. He told Hillary that if elected, he would try to put her in jail.

The debate started out with Hillary getting the first question, and of course, she went right on her attack. She has been trained for these debates by the best talent on the planet. She’s good at what she does.

And Donald Trump is Donald Trump.

It’s common knowledge that Hillary and Bill have left a massive amount of death in the wake of their undying thirst for wealth and power.  The body count is getting quite high.

Mark my words: I am deeply concerned about Donald Trump’s safety. The Clintons are downright dangerous.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton walks past Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton walks past Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

3. Trump exposed Hillary’s many lies about the email scandal (including deleting 33,000 emails!)

Trump did not allow Hillary to hide behind her excuses and lies about the her email scandal.

Trump pointed out the facts about Hillary’s email scandal:

  • Clinton deleted the 33,000 emails AFTER she was served with a subpoena from the Congress of the United States
  • Clinton spent an enormous amount of money “scrubbing” the entire hard drive clean
  • Clinton outright lied about classified emails: the FBI announced that there WERE classified documents

4. Hillary accused Russia of conspiring with Trump to win the election

Hillary continues to try to make ties with Donald Trump and Russia. She continues to blame the DNC hacks, and the Wikileaks released on Russia.

Donald expertly pointed out:

  • He has no ties to Russia
  • He has never met Putin
  • He has no loans or other ties from Russia

5. There is no “online firearm loophole” (Clinton lied to the public about the 2nd amendment)

I don’t get it.

Obama and Hillary constantly refer to the “online loophole.”

What they’re referring to is the fictitious idea that you can purchase a firearm online without a background check. That’s true, you can totally purchase a gun online without a background check.

The gun then has to be shipped to a licensed Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer.

To sum it up – there is no “online loophole.” You can buy a gun online but cannot take posession of it until you’ve passed a background check.

There’s no such thing  as an “online loophole.”

Who won the debate?

You and I won the debate: Because Trump squashed Hillary like the bug she is.

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(And come watch it with us on Saturday, October 22nd at 7:00PM!)

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  • Susan Bahringer Reply

    Mr. Trump handled himself in the most Presidential manner irregardless of what was thrown at him.

    October 11, 2016 at 2:34 am

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