Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote for Hillary!


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Save Your Friend!

Have you ever heard of glitter hate mail? Well this is kind of the same. Help stop your friend from voting for Hillary!


What Happens?

  1. You make purchase and decide if you would like your friend to know you saved them or if you want to anonymously help them.
  2. Put the address of your friend that needs saving in the notes/comments at checkout.
  3. We see your request to help your friend from their terrible choices.
  4. We create this wonderful piece of mail full of glitter and a note “Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote For Hillary”.
  5. We notify you that we have sent rescue mail to them.
  6. They see their terrible decision and change their ways and come back from the dark side!

Go ahead and high five yourself for being a good Samaritan and helping your friend, Mission Accomplished! 


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