Bl Force Gmt Sling

SKU: BLFGMT-1P Categories: ,

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The GMT Sling is the answer for even more adjustability than a Vickers Sling. The GMT or ,Give Me Tail, Sling is a classic ,Tailed sling, that can be cinched up as small as the user by pulling the tail through the locking mechanism and then loosened with a pull tab on the same lock. A longtime favorite of special operations users for more control of the weapon during non-shooting times, the GMT Sling brings that same control but with more comfort, durability, and ease of use than currently available tailed slings.

Features :

  • “1.25” webbing size,
  • Snag free lock release tab
  • Ready to attach to M4 carbines
  • Water resistant
  • Lightweight
  • Fast adjustment
  • TEX 70 bonded nylon thread

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Blue Force Gear


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