Deputy Andy Cox Revisited: Why I Stand Behind the Deputy
Comment below and let me know if you agree or disagree with my opinion on the Deputy VS Concealed Carry Licensee
So, why am I bringing back the conversation about Deputy Andy Cox, anyway?
Isn’t this old news?
Yes and no.
When the story first broke of Deputy Andy Cox (see video below,) I had quite a bit going on in my life that kept me from writing and publishing my opinion.
Recently, I had an odd encounter with a Citrus County law enforcement officer which got me thinking more and more about the Deputy Cox situation, and I just had to jot down my thoughts.
When the story first aired, I was quite frustrated with how the media and the public turned on the Deputy.
In my opinion, Citrus County has some of the finest cops I’ve ever met, and I felt that the public didn’t truly “understand” the situation.
I’d love to have a healthy debate on the subject – so feel free to comment below and let me know your thoughts.
I know I could just watch the video above to see the whole “Deputy Andy Cox” story, but please just give me a quick rundown.
Well over two years ago, Citrus County Deputy Andy Cox pulled over a man for speeding. Two years after the incident, the video of this incident went viral.
I’m not really going to describe much more of the situation because I really do want you to watch the video above. It’s worth it to understand the situation.
I was pulled over recently, and had an unusual encounter as well. Most people would have been bent out of shape.
I was pulled over in downtown Inverness on the way home from our new gun shop a couple weeks ago. I don’t remember the exact time, but it was dark, and I remember being stopped RIGHT outside of McDonalds on route 44.
As I was pulling out of the square, I’m sure it looked like I was leaving a bar rather than leaving the “Dojo.” (Sometimes I call the new Florida Gun Supply location the “Dojo” because of the sweet new classroom!)
Here in Florida, there is no requirement to inform a law enforcement officer upon contact that you’re carrying a concealed firearm.
I did what I always do, and what I’ve taught every one of my students to do for the past three years: I held both my carry permit and my driver’s license out the driver’s side window.
The reason I recommend doing that is because as the cop approaches, they know a few things:
- I have a concealed carry permit, and although I’m not legally required to inform them up front, I was being courteous and trying to help him/her feel safe
- Because I have a concealed carry permit, I have no history of drug convictions or violent crimes, so I’m probably law enforcement friendly
- Because I have a concealed carry permit, I haven’t been in trouble with the law – so I am probably not out drinking and driving, and I probably don’t have drugs, open containers, or whatever else in the car
As the police officer approached, I saw in my mirror that she had her Glock drawn. She wasn’t pointing it at me – she was in a sul position. Needless to say, this was quite alarming. (Oh, and I’m sure she saw my license plate. I’m not afraid of privacy, so I’ll admit it: my license plate says, “Gun Guy.”)
The officer who pulled me over two weeks ago had reason to be on alert: and I’m completely OK with her actions.
The night I was pulled over was also the night that two NYPD Police Officers were killed in cold blood by a wacked out Muslim named Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley. (The media called it revenge for the killings in Ferguson and the like, but I personally believe it was a terrorist attack by an Islamic Extremist. Read why these types of people can ONLY be stopped with bullets here.)
When she realized she knew me, she let me go pretty quickly, but I don’t have any ill feelings at all about the situation. I’m glad she was taking steps to be safe, and she did it in a respectable and safe manner. Good for her.
My personal belief: cops have a tough job. Give them a break, do your best to make them feel safe, and always be polite – even to the ones who are just jerks. They’re always going to win the argument, so there’s no point in having it. That’s just my opinion, though – feel free to share your own comments below.
So onto my thoughts about the situation with Deputy Andy Cox.
Reason #1 That I Side with Deputy Andy Cox: The guy with the concealed carry permit should have known better than to jump out of his van at a traffic stop.
Not only was the dude’s van a super-creepy-looking-rape-van-style-white-van, but he decided at a traffic stop to jump out of the van immediately. Never a good idea.
That was stupid decision number 1.
I’ve never heard of a single concealed carry class that doesn’t instruct their students on what to do when stopped by law enforcement: and this was NOT the right move.
Some of you may be saying, “But Andy, Deputy Cox was OK with him jumping out of his van. That’s not when he got upset.” Wrong.
Deputy Cox CLEARLY says later on in the video (at around 4:49) that he was NOT OK with the guy jumping out of his car. He says, “You shouldn’t have jumped out the van at me like that.”
Deputy Cox was on high alert the minute this guy jumped out of his creepy van. I would have been on high alert, too, because jumping out of your creepy rape-van at a traffic stop is a VERY stupid thing to do.
Reason #2 That I Side with Deputy Andy Cox: The guy with the concealed carry permit acted REALLY oddly in the first 18 seconds of the traffic stop. See for yourself.
You might feel differently, but I believe that the reason this guy jumped out of his creepy van right away was that he was ready for an argument. He started off on a bad foot and gave Deputy Cox attitude pretty much immediately.
Watch closely from about 11 seconds until about 18 seconds. He is again being SUPER sketchy – look at all the fidgeting he is doing, and look at the way he is moving. He’s acting either super nervous, or super pissed off.
Either way, he would be certainly raising MY suspicions.
Reason #3 That I Side with Deputy Andy Cox: The guy with the concealed carry permit gave the Deputy attitude immediately. That makes cops nervous and on edge.
Deputy Andy Cox explains to the guy with the concealed weapons permit why he decided to stop him at about 19 seconds into the video. IMMEDIATELY, the guy with the concealed carry permit responds with attitude.
Deputy: The reason I stopped you, your tag is expired.
CCW Guy: It ain’t expired. (As he continued to fidget and go in and out of the van, probably making Deputy Cox more nervous.)
Deputy: It’s showing an expired decal.
A few seconds later, that’s when the s*** really started to hit the fan.
Reason #4 That I Side with Deputy Andy Cox: The guy with the concealed carry put his hand by his gun 3 separate times!
As the guy with the concealed carry permit is fidgeting and going in and out of his truck, his shirt rides up, exposing the bottom of his firearm.
When the Deputy asked about the firearm, the guy with his concealed carry permit QUICKLY puts his hand down by his gun. It was almost an instinctive reaction, but it MUST have made the Deputy EXTREMELY nervous.
Wouldn’t it have made YOU nervous??
See the image below – this is RIGHT after the Deputy asked why he was carrying a gun.
(Before you comment below telling me that it’s none of a Deputy’s business as to WHY someone is carrying, know this: I don’t think that’s the question the Deputy meant to ask. I think he was just alarmed and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.)
A second later, the guy with the permit moved his hand away from his gun – which was a good move. What the guy does next is nuts.
While his hand was high up and safely away from his firearm, the Deputy gave a command to the guy with the permit. He said, “Put your hands right here.”
Instead of putting his hands up, he decided to put his hands back down by his gun. This GREATLY alarmed the Deputy.
Look at the image – the guy is PISSED, and he’s bowed up ready for a fight. AFTER his body language is screaming, “I’m going to fight a cop,” he then puts his hand DOWN TO HIS GUN!
Check out the next picture: at 41 seconds, the guy with the concealed carry permit has his hands up and is complying with the officer.
Deputy Cox then reiterates, out of fear and an abundance of caution, “don’t fucking move, do you understand what I’m telling you?”
After a slight pause, Deputy Cox then says, “Get down on the ground, now.”
His hand went to his gun side AGAIN! This would have been an absolute nightmare for the Deputy.
Comments (7)
Well, I agree with you that the CWP holder was a bit “twitchy”, and likely raised the alarm(s) in the Deputy’s mind. But I cannot condone the Deputy’s vulgar, belligerant, threats (including telling the CWP holder he would “blow his f*****g head off: if he didn’t do everythiing just right in the Deputy’s view. The CWP holder used poor judgement and needs more/better training on how to respond to LEOs when carrying their firearm. The Deputy was unnecessarily belligerant, threatening, and even had the CWP holder’s wife crying with his venomous language. I am also a firearms instructor (NRA certified), and I too stress “smart responses” to LEO presence and requests. If I were on a jury for this one, I would be inclined to give an award to the plaintiff for the abuse he and his wife suffered and strongly suggest that the Deputy apologize for his overreaction, especilaay verbally. You analysis of the video “frame by frame” reminds me of a tort lawyer’s post-event courtroom analysis in an attempt to get a settlement, without regard for the CWP holder’s mental state “in the moment”. The LEO is the professional, highly trained specialist in this incident, not the CWP holder.
Very well stated Stephen. My thoughts to a tee.
Number one thing this guy did wrong was get out of truck but if he stayed in truck just shut up and not answer questions plead the 5th because all they are doing is wanting you to incriminate yourself shut up and give them fl ref and ins and let them do their job. More people get in trouble by opening their mouths. If this guy stayed in van and kept his mouth shut he would have gone home. Every CCW and gun class and every officer I talked to says the same thing exercise you 5th amend. right to not self incriminate and that stops all further aggression on the officers part you are under no obligation to answer the office. You either will get a ticket or not if you do he was going to write it anyway. Know your rights exercise them starting with your 5th and shut up if you don’t talk the cop has no evidence and I have beat many tickets because of this and a good traffic attorney. Give your attorney something to work with keep your mouth shut.
I can’t stand behind deputy Cox because he arrested somebody who had not broken the law. Everything you mention provides great reason for suspicion, but none for rest of conviction, which is why the case was dropped. I agree that the driver reacted oddly and improperly, but being a dimwit is not illegal.
I think that cop is a POS on a power trip. Any fool could see the guy had no intention of drawing his weapon, and once that cop said he “didn’t care if he had a permit,” he showed what a worthless punk he really is, the kind of guy who thinks a badge makes him special and all-powerful. All I see is someone who didn’t go to college exercising authority in a rage of entitlement because of an inflated ego. And yes, I’ve dealt with people who were armed and never, ever treated anyone that way. I was a federal agent before I went to law school. People like him, a guy who weaseled out of disciplinary action because of a convenient lapse by his supervisor in initiating the investigation, make me so angry I could puke.
Not only was the deputy totally out of line (bordering out of control), he apparently has an anger management issue and/or he’s afraid of working the street. For all the deputy knew, the CCW motorists could have been a highly decorated military veteran – but in any case, no law abiding citizen deserves to be spoken to and treated the way he was spoken to by this jackass cop. And no one should be supporting this deputy’s actions either. Police need to be held to a higher standard. No wonder confidence in American policing has and is eroding.
I also agree with Stephen. I think the frame by frame analysis is more than likely quite the opposite of what you have depicted above as well. Should he of stayed in the vehicle, absolutely. This and only this is the burden of his responsibility for this entire outcome. You reference him placing his hand by his gun several times and acting “sketchy” as he gets out of the vehicle. Females perspective here. Notice his shirt, I’m guessing not 100% cotton, very wrinkled in the back more than likely due to sitting for a while. He appears to be a heavier set (lack of a better term “beer belly”), I see a man pulling at his shirt to adjust it as a self presentation thing not as a sketchy act. I’m overweight and my clothing is treated the same way. Signs of nervousness: flipping the wallet out and missing the catch, fumbling, joke at his own expense possibly (?), couldn’t make out what he said before he turned to reach into the van. Next point I want to make because this is something everyone does. When asked about his gun his hand automatically went to the side and position where the gun was holstered. Think about that. Where’s your wallet? Where’s your phone? He put no more thought into his hand movement than you would if someone had questioned you about the pen in your shirt pocket. After the first time he was told to put his “hands right there” both of his hands drop, not just one. Despite having his rights violated, being blatantly harassed and humiliated he complies. I don’t see your version of angry or pissed, but I do see aggravation and annoyance. I don’t see your aggressive turn towards the deputy either, but I do see a man in the process of knees bending turning toward the deputy trying to plead his case while being yelled into silence. Now, it is a van. Just like there are cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes, trains and other forms of transportation. It is not a rape van. You used the word “rape” twice and the word “creepy” four times when referring to this man’s vehicle. I know why you did it and you know why you did it, but wasn’t your very first sentences about how frustrated you were with how the media and the public turned on the deputy? Hmm…kinda makes this whole post feel zero’d out in a way doesn’t it?