Online Gun Store

[VIDEO] Top 3 Concealed Carry Guns for New Shooters

Andy the Gun Guy here. I've literally trained over 30,000 people in my FREE concealed carry classes. I've seen it all. Literally, I've seen every situation you can imagine on the range. I've taught left-handed folks. Right handed-folks. Heck, I've taught folks that only had ONE hand. And I CONSTANTLY get asked, "What's the BEST carry gun...


The Beginner’s Guide for Handguns : Loading and Unloading

3 Rules of Gun Safe Handling The first thing you want to do is memorize the 3 Rules of Gun Safety. Having these rules ALWAYS on your mind will help you keep you and the other people around you safe. If you follow these 3 rules at all times you will...


Effective Gun Reform: The Very Simple Guide to Saving Lives While Addressing Mental Health

Effective Gun Reform: The Very Simple Guide to Saving Lives While Addressing Mental Health A Simple 2 Step Process Written by the People Who Know What the Heck We’re Talking About FAILURE! Governor Rick Scott's Plan: Allows Other People to Control Your 2nd Amendment Rights Punishes People Struggling  for Getting Mental Health...


What’s the Deal with Background Checks?

WHAT IS A BACKGROUND CHECK? A background check is the process of looking up and compiling criminal records of an individual. What is found during this background check will determine if the person is able to purchase a gun or not. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) is a system...


NEW: Smith and Wesson M&P.380 Shield “EZ” Pistol

Smith and Wesson Announces the Easiest .380ACP Yet! We've just learned that Smith & Wesson has just announced the easiest .380ACP carry pistol yet! The Smith & Wesson M&P.380 Shield EZ Pistol will be debuted in the next few weeks. We don't know much about new gun except the following: Billed as...


How to Buy a Gun Online: Purchase Tips and Advice

Buying a Gun Online FAQs You can buy anything online, shoes, office supplies, even groceries. But can you buy that shiny new SCCY CPX-2 9mm, or the patriotic FMK carry gun? In most cases, yes. You can buy a gun online. Online gun sales are booming. Buying guns online is just as easy...


BEST Gun Deals of 2017: Here they are!

Best Gun Sales of 2017: HUGE SAVINGS, FREE OPTIC, and MORE! Best Gun Deal of 2017 #1: Diamondback DB9 Flat Dark Earth - huge savings on a FANTASTIC carry gun! Best Gun Deal of 2017 #2: SCCY CPX-2 9mm Carry Gun: 10+1 Capacity at a GREAT price - and MANY COLOR options!!!!   Best...
