FREE Concealed Carry Class (Freedom Reigns Campaign!)

FREE Concealed Carry Class (Freedom Reigns Campaign!)

Introducing Our “Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class BLITZ”:

Sign Up Below for Our FREE CCW Class Blitz!

Tell all your friends: We’re offering the CCW class for FREE!



“The government is getting loud about the 2nd amendment. Let’s unite and get them to hear our voices.

Let’s arm and train America.”

-Andrew Hallinan, Owner of Florida Gun Supply

Here’s how the Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class Works!

It’s time to recognize that the United States is heading in the wrong direction and that it’s time to stand up and take our country back. To do our part, Florida Gun Supply is offering FREE CCW classes from now on.

We will need to cover our hard costs so we don’t go out of business by doing this. That said, each student will need to cover their $20 Range Insurance Fee.

What do I need to bring with me to the Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class Blitz?

Eye and ear protection is required for our CCW class, so we’ll need to make sure you have that. We do have eye and ear protection available for purchase, and we would love your support if you’d be willing to purchase it from us!

Sandals are not a good idea at a shooting range, and neither are shirts that would allow empty cartridges to land in your shirt. That’s a feeling you probably don’t want to experience.

Do I need my own gun to take part in your Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class BLITZ?

You do not need to own your own gun! You can rent a gun from us for just $9.99. You’ll need to purchase ammunition as well – which starts at just $9.99 for .22LR ammunition. The most popular rentals we have for our class are the following:

  • Ruger SR22 (.22LR)
  • Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Compact (.22LR)
  • Ruger LCR 22LR

So if you don’t have your own gun and want to participate in our Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class BLITZ, then you’ll just need to pay your Range Insurance Fee ($20), gun rental ($9.99) and your ammunition (starting at $9.99.)

How many people can you fit in a Freedom Reigns Concealed Carry Class BLITZ?

Unless we have special circumstances, we can only fit up to 25. These seats are already filling up fast – so register now!

Where the heck are you guys?

Our retail location is located at 118 N Pine Ave in Inverness, FL, 34450. Our shooting range is located at 250 S Tabitha Path in Inverness, Fl, 34450. We have students drive over 2 hours every class to participate in this FREE training!

How old do you have to be to take the class?

We have no age requirement to take the class. Florida law doesn’t allow anyone under 21 to carry concealed, however, we allow any age to come through our class. We highly encourage families to come take the class together!

What if I’m not ready to take your Concealed Carry Class? Is there somewhere else I can start?

Absolutely! Every Tuesday night, we give an Intro to Firearms class from 6PM – 7:30PM. We’re offering that class for FREE for a limited time. After you take our Intro to Firearms class, you’ll definitely be ready. Click here to sign up now for the next one!

I want to partner up with Florida Gun Supply. How can I get involved?

If you agree that America is headed in the wrong direction and that we need to prepare for our country’s future, then we want you to get involved.

Here are just a few of the ways you can get involved:

  • We always need volunteers in the following areas: RSOs (Range Safety Officers), Community Outreachers, Phone support, etc. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, please email the owner at – or reach out on Twitter to @flgunsupply
  • We are always looking for new range safety officers

New Group: “Women Without Fear” Shooting Club!

We have just launched a new club for women shooters called, “Women Without Fear.” This club will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6PM at 118 N. Pine Avenue. For more information on the Women Without Fear Shooting Club, please click here.

Signup below for your FREE Concealed Carry Class!

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  • Crystal Reply

    Are you still offering the free class for ccw?

    April 28, 2017 at 2:31 pm

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