City of Inverness: BACK OFF Patriotic Businesses!

City of Inverness: BACK OFF Patriotic Businesses!

FIRST: The City Made Our 92 Year Old Landlord PAINT OVER the Mystery Mural!

THEN: The City of Inverness KICKED us out of the “Patriotic Evening” Event

The City of Inverness APPROVED our booth at their City Event – the Patriotic Evening. The approval came with ONE CONDITION: That we don’t bring any guns to sell or raffle off.

We had planned a GUN RAFFLE to raise money for a local Homeless Veteran’s Charity.

After we received our letter of approval, we submitted a Letter of Intent to the City letting them know it was ILLEGAL to discriminate and not allow us to bring guns to the city event.

In my opinion, the City Manager, Frank D (no one knows how to spell his last name!), decided to respond to our Letter of Intent by canceling our registration to the Patriotic Evening event. They canceled about 15 other vendors as well – just to hide their discrimination.

We want SIX THINGS from the City:

1. Remind the City of Inverness that the government in Inverness is STILL FOR THE PEOPLE AND BY THE PEOPLE
2. Demand the City of Inverness to create a written guideline for the FAIR and EQUAL process of future vendors and businesses to gain access and approval for their events.
3. Demand a written guideline specific to GUN STORES and FIREARMS DEALERS to gain access and approval for their events according to Florida Law chapter 790.33
4. Demand a written guideline about the City of Inverness social media and what types of business events it partners with and SHARES
5. Demand the Freedom of Information request provided by the City Clerk to be REASONABLE – instead of the quote provided for $1000!
6. A personal apology from the City Manager for his abuse of power and mismanagement of the City of Inverness.

Did They Discriminate? Freedom of Information Request Submitted 6/30/2017!

According to Florida law, the City of Inverness is required to provide us with a public records request.

City of Inverness: Your Public Records Request Will Cost $1000!

The City of Inverness is AGAIN attempting to bully us into backing down from this fight. Florida law allows the City of Inverness to charge REASONABLE rates to cover their ACTUAL COSTS of producing records in response to the public records request.

Look at their public records request quote:


The City of Inverness Wasn’t Able to Stop Our OPEN CARRY Motorcycle Ride on the 4th of July!

On the 4th of July, we met with almost 100 other 2nd Amendment supporters to run the FIRST EVER Open Carry Motorcycle Ride in American History. Watch and share the results NOW!


In response to the Washington Post’s article denouncing free speech – and using US as an example as to WHY free speech should be banned, we created a FREE Speech Video that went VIRAL!

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In my opinion, the City of Inverness hates guns – hates the 2nd amendment – and hates anything patriotic at all. It’s time we STAND UP to the government and use our 1st amendment to FIGHT BACK!

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