Join Other Patriots Across the Nation & Stand Up to Islam!

Join Other Patriots Across the Nation & Stand Up to Islam!

Stand with Florida Gun Supply to protest Islam and Sharia Law!

On Saturday, October 10th, the leader of the black supremacy group “Nation of Islam” will be leading a march with THOUSANDS of people in Washington DC. He will be calling for the death of cops, whites, and anyone who speaks up against Islam.

Don’t just be a keyboard warrior: COME OUT AND TAKE A STAND!

Anti-Muslim Rally FAQs

What should we bring with us?

Feel free to bring your favorite anti-Islam signs, shirts, flags, etc.

Can I carry a concealed firearm to this event?

Yes, if you have a concealed carry permit, you are welcome to carry. Some of us will also be in bullet proof vests. We’re not wearing bullet proof vests because we feel like we will need them: we’re wearing vests because we are symbolizing that we are in a battle with Islam – which is not a religion of peace. Islam expressly calls for the death of anyone who opposes Islam.

Where is this event located?

The rally will be taking place at 6915 West Highway 40 Ocala, Florida 34482. This is the Masjid Darul-Islam Center of Ocala, FL.

What time will this event be taking place?

We ask people to arrive by 10:45AM to get the rally started at 11AM.

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