Top 8 Reasons You Should Join Our Anti-Islam Rally in Ocala TOMORROW
Islam is evil and is a growing threat in America. It’s time to take a stand!
I don’t care how far away you live: MAKE THE DRIVE to Ocala, FL to rally against the evils of Islam and its growing threat on America!
Reason #1 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW:Islam is NOT just another religion. It’s evil.
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
It’s the ONLY religion that STILL promotes violence against innocent men, women, and children.
Don’t believe the main stream media that says Islam is not a violent religion. At it’s core, it really is. I could dedicate an entire blog post on the evils of Islam (and I have), but I’ll just go over the high points.
Logically, a lot of people think that “extremists” of ANY one religion is just as dangerous as an extremist of another religion. For example, some people think that Christian Extremists would be just as dangerous and violent as an Islamic extremist.
“Extremist Christians” would support peace, patience, love, tolerance, and justice: because that’s what their leader (Jesus) did. The New Testament of the Christian Holy Book never gives a SINGLE violent directive.
Reason #2 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: If we don’t stand up to Islam NOW, we may end up being the victim’s of Jihad in the future.
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
Jihad is the core duty of a Muslim. Jihad = “holy war” against any man, woman, or child who doesn’t believe in Islam.
Take 5 minutes and read Wikipedia’s post on Jihad.
Quick summary: Jihad is a core goal with Muslims. Jihad is the holy war that Islam seeks, and continues to live out. The goal is to convert believers or kill them.
This is the ONLY religion in the world that continues to promote violence. It’s not just any other religion.
[8.65] O Prophet! urge the believers to war; if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand…
Muslims believe that anyone who does not believe in the ideologies of Islam should be wiped out.
[9.12] …fight the leaders of unbelief…[9.13] What! will you not fight a people…[9.14] Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.
In other words, Allah will punish unbelievers by the hands of Muslims and Islamic fighters. The punishment is death, rape, torture, or all of the above.
Reason #3 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: Islam is NOT a religion of peace… unless it controls the entire planet!
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
The goal of Islam is to establish a caliphate – a one world order – that controls every aspect of every country’s citizens. Islam will continue to grow, and continue to destroy anything in its path to take over the world.
I’m not making this stuff up. This is a core fundamental of Islam: world domination through the use of any and all means necessary.
Reason #4 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: CAIR is suing me to shut me up: Let’s prove it won’t work!
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
CAIR (the Counsel for American Islamic Relations) has teamed up with their Jihad-loving friends over at Morgan and Morgan to file a lawsuit against me in a Federal Court for establishing my gun shop as a Muslim Free Zone.
This is one of the tactics that are used to spread Islam: attack people who stand up to Islam and speak the truth using any means necessary.
In this case, they’re using a technique called “law-mongering.” Law-mongering is the use of lawyers to intimidate, bully, or deplete a business or person from financial resources to keep going.
Can’t make it to the rally? Donate here to keep us going!
If I was afraid of lawyers, I wouldn’t be in this business! Bring it on, CAIR!
Reason #5 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: See the image below. This is our enemy. ‘Nuff said.
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Enough said.
Reason #6 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: Islam cannot be negotiated with.
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
Islam’s priority is Jihad, and the Koran specifically authorizes the use of lies, deceit, and treachery to reach this goal of world domination.
The Koran teaches that betrayal of non-Muslims is a perfectly acceptable practice in order to reach Jihad.
Ideas of negotiating with these Islamic Extremists should be out the window. Muslim Extremists WANT us to try to negotiate, and they may even sit at the negotiation table. It’s important to remember that if they a true Islamist is negotiating with a non-Muslim, it’s pretty dang likely that their goal is to gain their trust to cause more damage in the long run.
Reason #7 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: The United States has captured at least 10 ISIS fighters crossing the border from Mexico into Texas. They’re coming for us!
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
According to Republican Duncan Hunter from California, the United States has already caught at least 10 ISIS fighters crossing over the border from Mexico to Texas.
If you haven’t watched the news clip, here it is. Take just 1 minute and 23 seconds of your time. It’s worth it to know.
It certainly stands to reason: if we KNOW that 10 ISIS fighters have been caught crossing the border from Mexico into Texas, then we absolutely know that others have traveled here successfully.
Now that’s a scary thought.
They’re here, and there’s more coming.
Reason #8 to Attend Our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW: Remember the Fort Hood Shooting? America screwed them with their political correctness B.S.! Stand up for the victims!
Click here to RSVP for our Anti-Islam Rally TOMORROW!
During his trial, the Fort Hood terrorist named Nidal Malik Hasan openly explained his motivation for killing 13 military personnel and wounding another 30. He said, “The Qur’an mandates both defensive and offensive Jihad against unbelievers to impose Islamic law on those unbelievers.” The United States government stupidly classified Hasan’s killings as “workplace violence” – not terrorist attacks, which also made the dead US soldiers ineligible for the Purple Heart (and other benefits that are given combatants killed in the line of duty!)
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