82 Reasons Why I Don’t Care About CAIR

82 Reasons Why I Don’t Care About CAIR

The Counsel for American Islamic Relations (IE a terrorist organization) has rallied 82 organizations to complain about Florida Gun Supply’s Muslim Free Zone

In an official press release that got a whopping 45 views and 11 shares on Twitter, the Counsel for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced:

“…a coalition of 82 civil liberties, human rights, immigrant rights, faith, and cultural organizations (see list of signatories below) sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking her to investigate the growing phenomena of so-called “Muslim-free zone” businesses nationwide.”

This is in response to me declaring my business as a “Muslim-Free Zone” in a video that went viral. I created the video in a frustraed response to the Islamic Extremist’s latest attack on America: the Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting of a Marine recruitment center.

In case you missed it, the original video is below.

Here’s my official response: the top 82 reasons why I don’t care about CAIR

82 organizations are sending letters to the Department of Justice asking for an investigation. 8200 patriots sent letters to Florida Gun Supply asking us not to back down. Who has more support?

It’s true.

CAIR are a bunch of cry babies who are having a hard time finding support for their cause. America is fed up with Islamic Extremists blowing themselves up trying to convert infidels to their theocracy. Islam is evil, and America is finally ready to stand up for truth.

Reason #1 that I don’t care about CAIR:
CAIR’s lawsuit appears to be written by a 6th grader.

Silly rabbit, Tricks are for kids!

Who could possibly be afraid of an organization that files a lawsuit with typos, repetitive lines, and other silliness. In case you want to read the original complaint, it can be found here.


Reason #2 that I don’t care about CAIR:
I don’t back down to bullies.

That’s all CAIR is doing: they’re trying to bully me into submission. Its a tactic called “law-mongering,” and unfortunately for them, I don’t back down to bullies.

Reason #3 that I don’t care about CAIR:
My lawyer is a Marine – but he’s now fighting for his country in a suit rather than a uniform.


Morgan and Morgan has nothing on this guy.

Reason #4 that I don’t care about CAIR:
Morgan and Morgan is representing CAIR in this lawsuit.
I guess they’re not really, “for the people,” huh?

I used to believe that Morgan and Morgan was a good organization helping people in a time of need. I used to believe their B.S. commercials saying that they were, “for the people.”

Then they sued me.

Bring it.


Reason #5 that I don’t care about CAIR:
John Morgan from Morgan and Morgan says “Morgan” way too many Morgany times.

“Hi, I’m John Morgan from Morgan and Morgan.”

Can we have some Morgan please?

Reason #6 that I don’t care about CAIR:
CAIR can’t sue me unless they can prove I’ve actually unlawfully discriminated against someone.
I haven’t, and I won’t.
See the next reason why I won’t have to.

Unless CAIR can actually PROVE that I’ve unlawfully discriminated against someone, they have no case. Since I never have, they have no case.

Reason #7 that I don’t care about CAIR:
I don’t need a “Muslim-Free Zone” sign anymore.
I bought a teacup pig for the gun shop, and I named him Mohammed Barak Hussein Abi Dabi Ala Snackbar.

I heard that certain types of people don’t like pigs. He’ll handle this for me. He’s a cute little piggie who runs around the gun shop and says “hello” to customers.


Reason #8 that I don’t care about CAIR:
My gun shop is better classified as “Shariah-Free Zone” than a “Muslim-Free Zone.”

Islam is evil, but we’re not saying all Muslims are. The vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving Americans like you and I.

Islam, at it’s core, is evil. Muslims are not the main issue – it’s Islam that is.

Reason #9 that I don’t care about CAIR:
Have you ever heard of David VS Goliath? David won.


Reason #10 that I don’t care about CAIR:
CAIR keeps crying that I’m violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
I’m not.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the law which my opposition points to whenever they say I’m discriminating.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 expressly prohibits discrimination against people for their race, religion, sex, etc. But, it only is for CERTAIN TYPES of businesses.

Here’s a copy of paste from the 1964 act which defines which businesses are not allowed to discriminate:

(b) Establishments affecting interstate commerce or supported in their activities by State action as places of public accommodation; lodgings; facilities principally engaged in selling food for consumption on the premises; gasoline stations; places of exhibition or entertainment; other covered establishments

Each of the following establishments which serves the public is a place of public accommodation within the meaning of this subchapter if its operations affect commerce, or if discrimination or segregation by it is supported by State action:

(1) any inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment which provides lodging to transient guests, other than an establishment located within a building which contains not more than five rooms for rent or hire and which is actually occupied by the proprietor of such establishment as his residence;

(2) any restaurant, cafeteria, lunchroom, lunch counter, soda fountain, or other facility principally engaged in selling food for consumption on the premises, including, but not limited to, any such facility located on the premises of any retail establishment; or any gasoline station;

(3) any motion picture house, theater, concert hall, sports arena, stadium or other place of exhibition or entertainment; and

(4) any establishment (A)(i) which is physically located within the premises of any establishment otherwise covered by this subsection, or (ii) within the premises of which is physically located any such covered establishment, and (B) which holds itself out as serving patrons of such covered establishment.

Do you see retail stores, gun shops, or firearm training facilities on that list? I certainly don’t!

Reason #11 that I don’t care about CAIR:
CAIR has already lost the support of the American people.
They just want to remain in the headlines.

Here’s a screenshot I took of CAIR’s website. It looks like they’ve had a whopping 45 hits to their press release page, and 11 people posted on Twitter about it.

Nobody CAIRS. (See what I did there?)

A whopping 45 people actually viewed this page on CAIR's website. I was 44 AND 45.
A whopping 45 people actually viewed this page on CAIR’s website. I was 44 AND 45.

Reason #12 that I don’t care about CAIR:
I get more shares on Facebook when I SNEEZE than CAIR gets when they bully me.

Nobody cairs. (See what I did there?)

These guys got 26 shares on their post. I’ll probably get 26 shares in the first 5 minutes after I post this article!


Reason #13 that I don’t care about CAIR:
America. ‘Nuff said.


Reason #14 that I don’t care about CAIR:
These colors don’t run.

Neither do I. Bring it.

Reason #15 that I don’t care about CAIR:
There have been over 290 million deaths in the name of Islam.
Its evil!

Reason #16 that I don’t care about CAIR:
CAIR is just angry because they never get to eat bacon.


Reason #17 that I don’t care about CAIR:
9/11. Enough said.


Reason #18 that I don’t care about CAIR:
I pretend I don’t care… but deep down…


Reason #19 that I don’t care about CAIR:
“If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.” -Obi Wan


Reason #20 that I don’t care about CAIR:
Remember the Alamo!

This has nothing to do with my article. I just thought it would be funny.
This has nothing to do with my article. I just thought it would be funny.

Reason #21 that I don’t care about CAIR:
What’s so offensive about not arming terrorists?


Reason #22 that I don’t care about CAIR:
Q: How does every Muslim joke start?
A: By looking over your shoulder.


Reason #23 that I don’t care about CAIR:
A Muslim, a socialist, and a communist walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “Hello, Mr. President!”


Reason #24 that I don’t care about CAIR:
Did you hear about the Muslim party? It was a blast!


Reason #25 that I don’t care about CAIR:
There have been over 18,000 terrorist attacks committed in the name of Islam in the last 10 years.


Reason #26 that I don’t care about CAIR:
There have been over 18,000 terrorist attacks committed in the name of Islam in the last 10 years.





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