Top 3 Things You Need to Do Before the Election – No Matter What!

Top 3 Things You Need to Do Before the Election – No Matter What!

This election is the most important election in the history of our country… maybe the world!

It’s our responsibility to push & pray for the best – but prepare for the worst!

If she wins, it’s rigged.

In the past year, I’ve been to Massachusetts for a 2nd amendment rally, Baton Rouge to reach out to the Black Lives Matter community, Dallas to show support to the thin blue line, and Vegas for a wedding.

I didn’t see a single “Hillary for President” bumper stickers, yard signs, or even billboards – anywhere. I see Trump campaign support literally everywhere.

Hillary’s events are not being attended. Her health is failing – and it may be Parkinson’s disease. Her ideas are preposterous.

Have you seen any evidence of her supporters? Comment below with your thoughts.

November 8th is the day where we discover the truth about our country: Has the corruption in our country finally hit the tipping point?

It’s our responsibility to push & pray for the best – but prepare for the worst!

First thing you MUST do before the election: Get your concealed carry license application submitted!

With our FREE Concealed Carry Classes, there’s literally no excuse not to get your CCW application submitted.

ISIS has JUST sent out a call for lone-wolf attackers to start attacking in small, quiet neighborhoods. They’re coming.

If you’ve seen any of my videos, you’ve seen me end most of my videos with my motto:

Get armed. Get trained. Carry daily.

If you’re reading this article right now, then I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind to get your license to carry. Hillary has made it quite clear that she doesn’t value the 2nd amendment.

Second thing you MUST do before the election: Buy an AR15!

Because you have a brain, you know that Hillary hates guns. She loathes the 2nd amendment.

Since you’re reading this blog, I assume you’re one of “us” – the proud and intelligent “deplorables” as Hillary likes to call us.

That said, the first thing Hillary may try to do when in office is push for a ban on “assault weapons.” Seeing as how the government doesn’t even know the difference between an AR15 and a Ruger 10/22, we’re going to see a huge push to ban any semi-automatic sporting rifles.

The biased media will sway sheeple to hate patriotic Americans like you and I for owning AR15s, and the media will convince the masses that it’s you and I to blame for the nightclub shooting in Orlando or the terrorist attack in San Bernadino.

They’ll blame you and I, not radical Islam.

Mark my words: if Hillary Clinton gets elected, you won’t be able to buy an AR15 from anywhere within 12 months because of the insane run on guns we’ll see.

Sign up for our new AR15 building class now

(available to both LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE customers!)

Third thing you MUST do before the election: Get the information you need to stop Hillary from winning!

Due to the overwhelming amount of fraud and corruption in this country, Hillary Clinton has a chance at winning this election.

If our friends and family could just SEE what Hillary Clinton and the democrat party are all about – there’s NO chance they could vote for her!

Dinesh D’Souza has laid out the damning evidence against Hillary in his new book: “Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democrat Party.” The movie is now out, as well!

This is the most important book to read or DVD to watch before the election – so we have a chance at convincing America NOT to vote for this evil woman!

RSVP Now to Come Watch “Hillary’s America” with Florida Gun Supply – and enter to win a FREE copy!

Enter to win a FREE “If this flag offends you, I’ll help you pack!” T-Shirt

T-Shirt Giveaway

Enter to win one of 28 FREE copies of “Hillary’s America!”

Hillary’s America Book/DVD Giveaway 7 Days ONLY!

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Comments (2)

  • Mari Reply

    Gun, video, t-shirt… its all good! Love you guys!
    ( BUT–dont blow up GF”s car no more. Blow up muslims ! )

    October 11, 2016 at 6:55 am
    • Andy Reply

      She started it!! 🙂

      October 13, 2016 at 12:18 am

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